We have a comprehensive schedule of courses and workshops that we can run in-house, together with a program of public courses.
Senior and Principal experienced management consultants moderate and deliver our training courses according to their area of expertise.
Our training covers the full range of strategic themes from developing viable strategies and long-term plans to evaluating potential opportunities for merger, acquisitions, strategic alliances and joint ventures.
1. In House Training
In designing the training products, we pay serious attention to the needs as well as the training objectives and desired outcomes of our clients. We ensure that we will design and deliver a tailor made product, which will fulfil and fully satisfy our clients’ requirements.
2. Public courses
Our courses
GMC courses incorporate a variety of learning activities, which involve exercises, role-play, case studies and where appropriate, training videos. We do everything we can to help delegates translate the theories they are taught into practice – and develop the confidence they need to apply them effectively.
What GMC offers you?
All our courses are delivered in an high standard environment to ensure that each participant gets the most from their time with us. This arrangement also has the added benefit of promoting a less formal interaction between delegates. Learning is an open agenda item throughout the course; in all sessions, participants are encouraged to make the connection between what they have learned and how they might apply it back at work. Delegates receive a folder for the course, covering the material and with back-up information. It also contains the working papers they need for the practical work undertaken.
Our approach
Consultancy is a practical skill, so as well as formal input from subject matter experts. In addition to formal input from subject matter experts, we use training videos, custom made case-studies and a rich variety of other training methods to cater for different learning styles.
Participants must get the most from their investment of time on our courses, so they are residential, which has the added benefit of promoting informal interaction among participants.
Other support
Each course includes the cost of all course materials. As well as material supporting course activities, all participants will be provided with reference information that will enable them to continue to derive benefit from the course after their return to work.
3. University Courses
We provide to a number of tertiary educational establishments, outsourcing solutions by delivering to their student’s quality courses designed by the respective educational establishments.
Some of our past and current clients include the University of Roehampton, University of Liverpool, University of North London, the Southerneastern University and the American Intercontinental University.